Susan Phillips involved in Wongkumara Determination over 48,000 sq km in NSW and Queensland
July 5, 2024
Please see a news article on a recent decision of the Federal Court which recognized the Wongkumara people as native title holders over 48,000 square
Jane Needham SC appointed as a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia
June 21, 2024
13th Floor St James Hall would to like congratulate Jane Needham SC on her appointment today as a Judge of the Federal Court of Australia.
NSW Supreme Court Bicentenary
May 20, 2024
The Ceremonial Sitting to mark the bicentenary of the Supreme Court of New South Wales was held on Friday, 17 May 2024 in the Banco
The NSW Bar Association Celebrates 50 Years at the Bar with Mr Terence K Tobin KC
February 26, 2024
On 23 February 2024, The NSW Bar Association celebrated barristers who had practised at the NSW Bar for 50 years. The Honourable Justice Bell, Chief
Simon Chapple Appointed Senior Counsel
October 6, 2023
13th Floor St James Hall would like to congratulate Simon Chapple on his appointment to Senior Counsel today. Simon commenced practice at the NSW Bar
High Court
Bogan v The Estate of Peter John Smedley (Deceased) [2025] HCA 7 (12 March 2025) (Gageler CJ; Gordon, Edelman, Steward, Gleeson, Jagot and Beech-Jones JJ)
Commonwealth of Australia v Yunupingu [2025] HCA 6 (12 March 2025) (Gageler CJ; Gordon, Edelman, Steward, Gleeson, Jagot and Beech-Jones JJ)
Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs v MZAPC [2025] HCA 5 (05 March 2025) (Gageler CJ; Gordon, Edelman, Steward, Gleeson, Jagot and Beech-Jones JJ)
KMD v CEO (Department of Health NT) [2025] HCA 4 (27 February 2025) (Gordon, Steward, Gleeson, Jagot and Beech-Jones JJ)
Queensland v Mr Stradford (a pseudonym) [2025] HCA 3 (12 February 2025) (Gageler CJ; Gordon, Edelman, Steward, Gleeson, Jagot and Beech-Jones JJ)
Federal Court of Australia
Deripaska v Minister for Foreign Affairs [2025] FCAFC 36 (27 March 2025) (Wigney, Stewart and Neskovcin JJ)
Ogawa v Australian Information Commissioner [2025] FCAFC 37 (27 March 2025) (McElwaine, McEvoy and Jackman JJ)
AIX20 v Director-General of Security [2025] FCAFC 38 (28 March 2025) (Murphy, Bromwich and Shariff JJ)
Communications Electrical Electronic Energy Information Postal Plumbing and Allied Services Union of Australia v Sydney Trains [2025] FCAFC 39 (25 March 2025) (Perram, Rangiah and Shariff JJ)
Sayed v National Disability Insurance Agency [2025] FCAFC 40 (28 March 2025) (Rangiah, McElwaine and Horan JJ)
Court of Appeal
Theunissen v Barter [2025] NSWCA 50 (31 March 2025) (Mitchelmore and Kirk JJA, Griffiths AJA)
Vatner v Chief Commissioner of State Revenue [2025] NSWCA 35 (31 March 2025) (Mitchelmore and McHugh JJA, Griffiths AJA)
Lambourne v Baker (No 9) [2025] NSWCA 53 (28 March 2025) (Adamson and Ball JJA, Griffiths AJA)
Lambourne v Baker (No 8) [2025] NSWCA 52 (28 March 2025) (Griffiths AJA)
Lambourne v Baker (No 7) [2025] NSWCA 51 (28 March 2025) (Adamson JA)
Supreme Court of NSW
In the matter of CharterLaw Legal Pty Ltd [2025] NSWSC 297 (28 March 2025) (Black J)
Gemi 193 v Zhu [2025] NSWSC 295 (31 March 2025) (Slattery J)
Green v Jones [2025] NSWSC 293 (31 March 2025) (Richmond J)
Mitchell v Cauchi [2025] NSWSC 294 (31 March 2025) (Slattery J)
In the matter of Bondi Beach Astra Retirement Village Pty Ltd [2025] NSWSC 289 (31 March 2025) (Nixon J)